Porcelain veneers are a tried and true fixture in the cosmetic dentistry world. They are revered for their simplicity and effectiveness. They can take chipped, cracked, or otherwise unsightly teeth and turn them into the pearly whites of Hollywood.
If you’re considering giving your smile a brand-new look, you likely have several questions to ensure porcelain veneers are right for you. If that sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place!
Of your many questions, one of the most important revolves around the longevity of this cosmetic dentistry solution. Just how long will porcelain veneers last? Read on to find out!
Welcome to the Twenty-First Century
There is a common misconception that dental veneers only last 10 years or so before requiring replacement. While this may have been the case years ago, that timeframe has been extended dramatically. Thanks to advanced techniques, improved materials, and the ever-changing landscape of technology, porcelain veneers can now last decades.
Of course, there are several factors that must be included in this formula of success.
Planning and Preparation
Unless performed under emergency circumstances, all medical procedures involve extensive planning and preparation in order to maximize rates of success. Placing porcelain veneers is no different.
For example, your dentist will need to determine what type of tooth surface the veneer will be bonded. Bonding to enamel produces a far stronger connection than bonding to the tooth material beneath it (called dentin).
Also, you may have certain dental issues that need to be addressed to best preserve your veneers. If you have substantial problems with your bite or with grinding your teeth, for example, your veneers will wear down much faster.
This preceding procedure work can be the difference between a veneer being replaced in 10 years or lasting over 20 years!
It’s Up to You
While advances in cosmetic dentistry and prep work are both integral toward increasing the longevity of your porcelain veneers, the true test will be your own level of accountability and effort. Just as your oral hygiene habits are key to maintaining good health for your natural teeth, it is vital toward extending the life of your veneers.
So, you guessed it, that means that limiting or even avoiding substances that can stain your veneers—like coffee, soda, and other delicious beverages—is important in order to sustaining the cohesive aesthetics of your teeth. After all, you don’t want your veneers to be a different color than the natural teeth surrounding them.
Also, it means you need to brush often, floss consistently, and visit your dentist regularly. Preserving tooth health—your veneers are bonded to them—gum health, and overall positive oral health is the singular best thing you can do for the longevity of your porcelain veneers.
Our Final Thoughts
Much of our self-confidence and freedom of expression is tied to our teeth. If you’re too embarrassed by your teeth to share unrestrained emotion, you are severely limiting yourself. So, beyond being an aesthetic improvement, porcelain veneers can actually improve your all-around wellbeing.
As such, we recommend that you take the decision seriously and talk to your dentist about your options. They would be happy to help you find the best possible route for your unique situation and guide you toward your dream smile!